How Often Should You Stretch For Lower Back Pain

How often should you stretch for lower back pain? Doctors recommend different stretching schedules according to your pain level.

What Will I learn

Stretching is an effective solution for lower back pain. The experienced doctors recommend stretching at first to reduce lower back pain.

How Often Should You Stretch For Lower Back Pain

People now prefer drug-free solutions for lower back pain. They want a quick and effective solution other than medications.

Most patients believe that excessive medication can cause side effects in the body. It can damage other organs and tissues of the body.

Stretching is one of the very effective treatment options for lower back pain. It relaxes the tight muscles and reduces stiffness muscles.

stretch -  How Often Should You Stretch For Lower Back Pain

You can perform stretching in the comfort of your home. You know the basic techniques and time limit for stretching types.

Different stretching techniques are used for different types of lower back pain. It depends on your pain level and intensity. Your physician can guide you better about which stretching exercise will suit you better.

In the beginning, you should do stretching 3 – 5 times a day. You can change the frequency once you start feeling less pain in the lower back.

Before choosing any stretching technique, you should consult your physician. They will guide you best bout which technique suits you better according to your pain level.

Types Of Stretching

Different stretching techniques are used for a different types of lower back pain. It depends on your pain intensity and the cause of the pain.

The following are the basic stretching techniques recommended by the doctor;

1. Static Stretching:

Static stretching is used for a specific muscle or group of muscles. In this technique, you have to hold a single position for a limited time.

Time can be in between 20 – 30 seconds. This type will be beneficial if you perform it after exercise. It includes hamstring stretch, child pose, and pigeon pose.  

2. Dynamic Stretches:

Dynamic stretching helps to increase flexibility and range of motion. It works to lengthen the muscles and tissues.

You can perform this type of stretching before exercise. It prepares your body muscles and joints for exercise. Dynamic stretching includes leg swings, arm circles, and running.

3. Child’s Pose:

The child’s pose is the simplest stretch for curing lower back pain. In this position, you have to kneel on the floor and sit on your heels.

Try to bend in the forward direction with your arms. Bend until your forehead is resting on the floor. It will help if you hold this position for 25- 30 seconds. It can last for a few seconds until you feel relaxed.

4. Pelvic Tilts:

The pelvic tilt is a great exercise to relieve lower back pain. It strengthens the muscles and reduces tensed muscles of the back.  

In this type of stretch, you have to lie on your back. Then press your lower back into the floor and tilt your pelvis upward. It would be best if you held this position for a few seconds. Then release and relax.

5. Cat & Cow Pose:

In this stretching technique, you have to start with all four positions. Try to pull your hips over the knees and your shoulders over the hands. In this process, try to keep the head in a neutral position.

stretching - How Often Should You Stretch For Lower Back Pain

Practice breathing in and out while keeping this position. Try to repeat this for 15 – 25 minutes for the best result. It will help to release the tight muscles and reduce lower back pain.

Benefits Of Stretching

Stretching is beneficial in reducing lower back pain. It decreases the stress on your back muscles and makes them flexible.

The following are the basic benefits of stretching for lower back pain.

1. Improves Flexibility:

Other than reducing back pain, stretching improves flexibility. It increases the range of motion as well. Improved flexibility helps to maintain correct posture while doing physical activity.  

Stretching helps to reduce the chance of any injury. Due to improved flexibility, you can move freely and do physical activities better.

2. Better Blood Circulation:

Stretching reduces the inflammation and swelling caused by stressed muscles. It helps to increase blood circulation in the body.

It helps to make the blood vessels wide so that the blood can flow better. It reduces muscle stiffness and strain. It makes them relax so they can work more effectively.

3. Reduces Muscle Strain:

Stretching reduces muscle strain and stiffness. This muscle strain causes pain in the lower back.  Stretching can lessen muscle tension and cure lower back pain.

It helps to increase the range of motion and flexibility. It decreases the muscle’s stress so they can relax. This relaxation helps the muscles to move freely.

4. Improves Posture:

Strained muscles cause incorrect postural problems in many people. Specific stretching techniques help to correct the posture.

Stretching reduces inflammation and musculoskeletal pain. So, the back muscles can help to maintain a correct posture.

5. Reduces Lower Back Pain:

Stretching helps to reduce lower back pain. While stretching, the tight muscles of the back become relaxed. It reduces stiffness and tension in the back muscles.

Different types of stretching techniques are used to cure lower back pain. They reduce stress and make the back muscles strong.

6. Increases Core Stability:

Stretching helps in increasing core stability. Lower back pain affects the spine and muscles. They affect the core of the spine and make it difficult to maintain stability.

Stretching helps to improve body balance. It reduces the chance of injury during physical activity.

Safety Tips For Stretching

It would help if you kept in mind some safety tips for lower back pain stretching. These tips will help to reduce lower back pain and stress from the back muscles.

The following are the most suggested safety tips for stretching;

1. Warm-Up:

Before stretching, you must prepare your body. It would help if you did some warm-up. It makes the body’s muscles and tissues active for stretching.

2. Follow Proper Training Guidance:

Beginners should follow proper training guidance before starting the stretching. It needs a training plan from an expert. They provide plans from easy to tough exercises for lower back pain.

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They can suggest you easy activities to start with.  With practice and proper techniques, you can get better at stretching.

3. Try Easy Moves:

Go for easy moves. Hard moves can make your back pain worse. They insert pressure on the back muscles. Start with easy moves to prepare your body for hard moves.

4. Correct Your Posture:

While stretching, you should keep your posture in the correct foam. Incorrect posture can cause stress in muscles and can worsen back pain.

5. Don’t Overdo:

Stretching is beneficial if done for a limited time. Overdoing stretching can cause more pain and stress in your lower back. It puts pressure on the back muscles. Try to rest between stretching.


Stretching is an effective treatment option for lower back pain. It helps to reduce the pressure on the back muscles and tissues.

It improves blood circulation and blood pressure in the body. It provides support to the spine. It increases the flexibility of the body joints.

The consistency and type of stretching matter a lot for lower back pain treatment. Before adopting any stretching technique for lower back pain, you should consult your doctor.

It would be best to follow a proper schedule for stretching practices. If your pain is serious, you should do stretching at least 5 – 7 times a day.

When you feel that your pain is recovering, you can reduce the frequency by 3 – 4 times per week. For better results, consult your doctor.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is Stretching Effective To Cure Injury?

Stretching helps to reduce muscle stiffness and stress. In case of an injury, you should perform the stretching recommended by your doctor.

In case of any serious injury, you should get yourself check properly. Then the doctor can design a stretching schedule for you according to your injury.

Stretching recommended by the doctor is effective for injury. It makes blood circulation better so the muscles can relax.

2. How To Develop A Stretching Routine?

In the beginning, starting a stretching routine cannot be easy, but with time, you can get used to it. Once you feel less pain, you can decrease the frequency.

You should always start will less number of stretches in a day. You can stretch 3 – 5 times a day for 10 – 15 minutes. It can be effective for acute lower back pain.

In case of serious lower back pain, you should increase the number by 5 – 7 times a day. You should start will 10 – 15 minutes of stretching. Gradually you can increase the time limit.

3. Is Stretching A Good Option For Stress Relief?

When you are stressed and tensed, your muscles become tight and cause pain in your body. Stress is a leading cause of lower back pain.

Stretching is good for stress relief. It relaxes the tight muscles of the body and reduces pain in the body. It gives you a feeling of calm and peace.

Terry Chimes

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